Arvada Counseling Center
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Specializing in the treatment of dui, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, etc.
Arvada Counseling Center
7850 Vance Dr #280
Arvada CO 80003-2133
Tel: 303 420-4494
Fax: 303 420-4512
The Arvada Counseling Center, Inc began to serve clients in 1971 that were referred by the courts for classes and therapy related to drunk driving violations. Our office has always provided services in the areas of drug and alcohol counseling as well as marital and family therapy. In 1984, Arvada Counseling Center, Inc was certified by Boulder County Judicial District to provide services to domestic violence court ordered perpetrators and victims.
The Arvada Counseling Center, Inc still provides all of these services and also offers counseling in the areas of individual sessions, couples counseling, family counseling, and adolescent drug and alcohol counseling.
We have been able to provide high quality services at costs within the budgets of our clients. Our purpose is to quickly intervene to improve the personal and social functioning of all clients. We seek to do this by recognizing the individual worth and dignity of each client, and encourage him/her to determine his/her own future course of direction.
