Center For Recovery - Lakewood
The Center for Recovery is a state licensed program that offers substance abuse intensive outpatient treatment programs for teens and adults.
Our therapists are all state licensed and use the most up-to-date treatment procedures.
The Treatment Program will cover the following areas of treatment,with additional content to be added to address the unique needs of group members:
* Re-establishing or maintaining support systems
* Developing a solid base of self-esteem
* Learning healthy boundaries
* Finding a comfortable spiritual path
* Learning to express your feelings and needs
* Developing coping skills
* Dealing with anxiety and depression, guilt and anger
* Managing stress
Our mission is to provide education, therapy, support and community resources to enable individuals to achieve their full potential.
Our groups are offered in Denver and Lakewood and are limited to eight participants per group.
We provide a complete individual assessment for chemical dependency.
Center For Recovery
11177 W 8th Ave
Lakewood CO 80215-5503
Tel: 303 694-7492
