Courage to Change Addiction Recovery Ranches
Coming to from Addiction and Waking up to Recovery

We Welcome All Who Have the Courage to Walk that Path

Are You Tired of the Monstrous Disease of Addiction?
Have You Failed at other Treatment Programs?
Do You Want to Recover with a More Natural Approach?

Courage to Change Addiction Recovery Ranch focuses on Sustainable Recovery

C2C's science based focus is on repairing the brain from the damage of addiction.

We know you understand the sober part - but do you understand the wellness part?

Wellness of body mind and spirit is crucial to sustainable recovery. Some programs focus on "treating" the symptoms of addiction. The Courage to Change program is based on the National Institute on Drug Abuse report that: “addiction is a disease of the brain that can be treated and managed.”

The C2C intensive residential program begins with an extensive psycho-socio evaluation. Recovery Plans are tailored to individual needs, evaluated by the clinical supervisor to assess progress and are reviewed on a weekly basis.
* Needs Assessment and Counseling
* Behavioral Therapy
* Educational Lectures
* Nutritional/Neuroscience Education
* Addiction Education
* Individual Therapy
* Group Therapy
* 12 Step Introduction Classes
* 12-Step Meetings
* Conjoint Family Therapy
* Experiential Therapy
* Legal Advocacy
* Leadership Group
* Long-term Needs Assessment and Counseling
* Post-Treatment Needs Assessment
* Post-treatment Planning
* Community Involvement/Improvement
* Vocational Rehabilitation
* Relapse Prevention Class
* Community Re-entry Planning
* Aftercare Plan

Dual Diagnosis:Courage to Change assists with the identification co-occurring disorders and provides the appropriate modality and coping skills. If necessary clients will be referred to a mental health provider. The C2C professional staff is trained to provide individual and group counseling that address co-occurring issues.

Understanding Addiction – Science now understand that addiction is a disease that controls behavior. Healing the brain is the first step in becoming a healthy functioning adult with a new perspective on life. Self-destructive and criminal behaviors are replaced with positive responses and finding a productive purpose in life.

State of the Science Program: Courage to Change is a state of the science program based on cutting-edge research reports by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). NIDA recognizes it is absolutely essential to rebalance the neurological system to assure successful recovery. The First Component of Care of Courage to Change uses amino acids neuroceuticals to repair the brain. The brain repair modality is combined with traditional therapies to create a sober, purposeful life. This holistic approach to body, mind and spirit healing makes Courage to Change one of the most innovative and effective recovery programs in the world.

We will walk with you on your path to recovery as long as you need support.

Courage to Change Addiction Recovery Ranches
41250 Alford Rd
Simla CO 80835
Tel: 719 541-4912
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