Freedom Center
Freedom Center, a premier rehab center near downtown Denver, provides a holistic intensive out-patient program for all types of addiction.
Treating Addiction With:
* Proven addiction treatment methods
* New neuroscience technology
* Self-mastery skills on an outpatient basis
Freedom Center is an outpatient program working with men and women to help them replace addictive practices with self-mastery so that dependency is transformed into empowerment. Since 2000, Freedom Center has helped over 1,000 people successfully gain control of their addictions and their lives. Ours is the only program combining the new neuroscience technology with proven treatment practices.
Contact Us and talk with our Founder & Director...
Laurence Freedom
* Working in addiction counseling for more than 29 years
* Masters degree in Counseling & Guidance (addiction counseling); Licensed Addiction Counselor; Licensed Professional Counselor; and past President of the Society of Addiction Counselors of Colorado.
When addiction enters your world, your life and the lives of those around you are shaken to the very core. What was once whole I snow broken. CALL NOW and let our skilled and experienced staff help you or your loved one get started on the road to recovery and self master and a return to the richness of family, good health, good friends and greater self-worth.
Freedom Center
870 Kipling St #B
Lakewood CO 80215
Tel: 303 420-9430
