InnerBalance Health Center
Colorado Drug Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center
End Addiction Cravings today! Holistic Alcohol Treatment Center and drug rehab for those suffering from addiction. InnerBalance Health Center in Colorado helps end drug and alcohol cravings.
InnerBalance Health Center
1414 W 28th St
Loveland CO 80538
Tel: 970 203-1300; 877 900-QUIT (7848)
Fax: 970 203-0222
Talk therapy alone is ineffective in treating drug or alcohol addiction.
Researchers have found the drive to self-medicate using drugs and alcohol is directly related to:
* Genetic Factors
* Medical Conditions
* Nutritional Deficiencies
* Biochemical Imbalances
These imbalances will only be exaggerated when the dependant substances are removed from the body. This is why eighty percent of the time, a person will return to using drugs and alcohol in response to cravings, depression, fatigue and anxiety. At InnerBalance Health Center in Colorado, we have a successful alcohol and drug treatment program that can help you live your life to its fullest potential- drug and alcohol free. Our holistic approach helps end cravings that cause addiction. Balancing the medical aspect of biochemical repair along with more traditional talk therapies and counseling have a profound effect on life long sobriety. Studies have proven that chemical imbalances can lead to cravings and addictive behavior. Talk therapies are wonderful but when used alone, are ineffective if the root cravings still exist. Our alternative treatment program significantly increases the effectiveness of traditional drug and alcohol addiction programs.
InnerBalance Health Center is an alcohol and drug treatment center located in Colorado and has been helping people suffering from alcohol and drug addictions since 1998. Our combination of Biochemical Restoration, Nutritional Counseling, Talk Therapy and Emotional Lifestyle counseling help separate InnerBalance Health Center from other alcohol and drug treatment centers and have resulted in successful sobriety in over 80% of our clients.
