Sitec Educational Counseling
We Offer A Full Range Of Day And Evening Alcohol & Drug Treatment Programs, as well as Domestic Violence & Teen Classes
Sitec Educational Counseling provides ADAD Certified Drug and Alcohol Substance Abuse Treatment Programs for DUI, DWI and DWAI clients. These counseling classes include Level I Education, Level II Education, and Level II Therapy. We also offer services including Random Breathalyzers, Random Urine Analysis, Monitored Antabuse, Relapse Prevention
Our initial Intake Assessment takes into consideration all problem areas of the client's life and behavior leading to the dysfunctional behaviors and the use of drugs and or alcohol. Treatment plans are are based on goals specific to the client's identified individual needs at assessment. The assessment includes identifying problem areas of concern i.e., patterns of alcohol substance abuse, legal history, family, genetic factors, social history, education, and culture.
Sitec Educational Counseling is certified and licensed by ADAD. Our courses are designed to meet the requirements set by the Colorado courts and the probation Department for persons convicted of alcohol or drug related driving offenses. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality, affordable and effective treatment for those with alcohol and or drug chemical problems.
During our initial intake process clients will be identifying issues directly related to their alcohol and or drug chemical dependency. The focus of the intake will be to obtain information and insight into the patterns, habits, physical health, family life, social enviroment, denial or any other underlying core issues that may be affecting the client's life and well-being.
Sitec Educational Counseling uses evidence-based prevention strategies aimed at reducing, preventing and overcoming alcohol and other drug related problems.
Our weekly group counseling sessions, as well as individual counseling is designed to help clients change the way they think and react rather then poor decision making.
Our Director, Al Vallejo MS CAC III and our qualified staff of counselors have the experience and background to serve our clients with integrity, empathy and a caring spirit, free of bias and with respect for the individual. We are conveniently located near Parker Rd and Havana, very close to RTD Bus and Light Rail lines.
Sitec Educational Counseling
2600 S Parker Rd #2-321
Aurora CO 80014
Tel: 720 747-4832
Fax: 720 747-4860
