Step 13
Step 13, in Denver Colorado, is one of the most effective programs that deals with street people or the homeless, the most complicated segment of the down and out and drug addicted.

real change, not spare change

Want to get someone off the street? Sober him up, clean him up and put him to work. Why? Because work works! It pays for food, it pays for shelter and it does something even more important: it gives a man the kind of self-esteem he needs to be a healthy, productive member of society.

Step 13 is about results. It’s about building self-esteem and self-respect through work. Join us in the fight and find out why Step 13 is the most effective program for the most difficult segment of the homeless: the drug and alcohol addicted.

Step 13
2029 Larimer St
Denver CO 80205
Tel: 303 295-7837
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